I don't really know what to blog abut today so I guess I can talk about the book I'm reading for the book club in my FFP class. Its called The Bar Code Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn. I'm about half way done the book and its extremely good. We are only suppose to read certain sections out of our book within a certain time, but within the time we are suppose to read what part I'm at now I'll be done the book. So I'm just going to finish the book & my teacher said that when I'm done this one. I'm going to get another book to read & then after that one I want to finish the trilogy of The Bar Code Tattoo. There is two more after this one & I'm defiantly reading them.

So enough about that. The Bar Code Tattoo is about a girl named Kayla not wanting to get this new tattoo that everyone is recommended to get when they turn 17. The tattoo has all of your information on it. Bank accounts, identity, etc. So instead of you carrying around all different card & possibly losing them, they can all be on your wrist on this tattoo. The thing is Kayla doesn't  want to get this tattoo because of the things she's seen & heard about it. After her dad got the tattoo he ended up committing suicide & her mom has been going a little crazy over it & the tattoo, her friend Amber's parents tattoo has messed up somehow & now they have to move away. Kayla meets a group of people at her school who are also against the tattoo, so they work together to try & find out whats going on with this & what the government is not telling everyone about the tattoo. So Kayla & the group try & fight against the government about the tattoo.

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