Out of the four discussions we did for The Bar Code Tattoo I’d have to say the best one was the week three discussions. There were five guided questions we talked about in week three, they were: about David Young being resigned, reading someone else’s email - Kayla read her friends email while he was in the shower, what we thought might of happened if she did not find out about her friends true motives, are people truly able to become whatever they want in 2013, and what is the determining factor for success? Barriers and obstacles. The most interesting question asked was probably the are people truly able to become whatever they want in 2013 because there could be so many different opinions on this one. There was also a picture brought up of a doctor who in the one side of the picture is wearing his hospital coat and then in the other side of the picture he is standing in his regular everyday clothes and has tattooed sleeves on both arms. In this picture it shows that appearance does not matter. The man in the picture is probably a very good and nice doctor, but yet he has tattoos. If people were to see him on the streets they would probably not expect him to be a doctor, they would probably expect him to work in a factory or something. By seeing this picture it shows that just because you look a certain way and have tattoos or whatever it does not mean you can’t do what you want to do with your life it just shows that you need to show people you can achieve what you want no matter what you look like.
I don't really know what to blog abut today so I guess I can talk about the book I'm reading for the book club in my FFP class. Its called The Bar Code Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn. I'm about half way done the book and its extremely good. We are only suppose to read certain sections out of our book within a certain time, but within the time we are suppose to read what part I'm at now I'll be done the book. So I'm just going to finish the book & my teacher said that when I'm done this one. I'm going to get another book to read & then after that one I want to finish the trilogy of The Bar Code Tattoo. There is two more after this one & I'm defiantly reading them.

So enough about that. The Bar Code Tattoo is about a girl named Kayla not wanting to get this new tattoo that everyone is recommended to get when they turn 17. The tattoo has all of your information on it. Bank accounts, identity, etc. So instead of you carrying around all different card & possibly losing them, they can all be on your wrist on this tattoo. The thing is Kayla doesn't  want to get this tattoo because of the things she's seen & heard about it. After her dad got the tattoo he ended up committing suicide & her mom has been going a little crazy over it & the tattoo, her friend Amber's parents tattoo has messed up somehow & now they have to move away. Kayla meets a group of people at her school who are also against the tattoo, so they work together to try & find out whats going on with this & what the government is not telling everyone about the tattoo. So Kayla & the group try & fight against the government about the tattoo.

I haven't been blogging for a while, but today my blog will be about my bus ride into school. So, just like every other morning I was on the bus on my way to school, but this morning was a little different. I was on the iexpress on the highway and I heard a rock fly up and hit the back of the bus. Doesn't sound any different from a regular bus ride right? Well that's what I thought to, until people starting running to the front of the bus and yelling for the bus driver to stop. The bus started smoking inside and out so everyone had to get off the bus. On the highway, yes. Apparently that rock that flew up and hit the back of the bus hit the gas tank or something and caused all this. A police car ended up showing up to check up on us and the bus. We were all fine, but the bus wasn't so good. Anyway, we ended up having to wait for the next iexpress to come and pick us up, which took about  10-15 minutes. So, that was the highlight of my day.
Yesterday we had a class trip to Tedx Youth Waterloo for the whole day. The theme was "Chasing Home".  There was 16 guest speakers that came to talk to us. Out of all the speakers I think Richard McLean was the best. He talked about his life basically. He told us about how he grew up with not so good of a life, how his dad was an alcoholic & his mother died from cancer while he was still young. He then went into foster care & adoption, he was saying how he felt that no one wanted him & he wasn't worth it. His sister, that was a year older than him & he was very close to, got into a car accident & past away. That brought him down even more to the point where he was having major depression. He later ran away from his foster house & went to Toronto. He was homeless there, lived with the other homeless people. Thats when he found where he belonged, where he found home. To me, his story was the most touching. Not that all of that happened to me, but I really connected with his story. Also while we were there we traded business cards with the other schools that we made. The cards were mostly for our Weebly address' so that the students at the other schools could go on to our Weebly's & read & comment on our blogs. We can also do the same with theirs now. All in all, every single presentation from the guest speakers was wonderful, I loved them all.
So, today is the last day of school & then its March break! The only disappointment of today is that I thought it was Monday & I still keep thinking its Monday which sucks & that I have two tests today, one in this class which I just finished & one in math. Luckily though my math one wont be that hard. For March break I'm going up to my grandparents for a couple days, not sure how many though. Even though I don't really like my grandparents I'm actually a little excited to go. I think its just because its like a two hour drive to get there & I love long drives<3 Hopefully today goes by fast, because I really don't want to be here. Not in the best mood today.
Did some group work in class about our rights as people. The teacher gave us a list of 10 rights & we had to number them 10-1 (10 being give up first, least important & 1 being keep until last, most important) of what we would give up, then we had to explain why. So here's the list & reasons.

10. Right to criticize the government. I would give that away first because the government is already taking our rights away so even if we did complain about it, it probably wouldn't do much.

9. Right to leave the country and return regardless of time spent aboard. Leaving the country is not that big of a deal. Yea, it might be bad where you are but what makes you think it would be better anywhere else?

8. Right to economic opportunities. This isn't really that big of a deal nor important because for one not many people really do this anyway.

7. Right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. The government doesn't even really do this anyways. They assume enough as it is so why would this be such a big deal if it got taken away? It wouldn't make much of a difference.

6. Right to participate in the democratic process (vote for leaders, run for election). The government is already taking our rights away so why does this matter? They choose for themselves.

5. Right to equality (equal treatment before the law). The government is already taking our rights away & that doesn't seem like equal treatment does it?

4. Right to be protected from discrimination. People do need to be protected from this because its always happening, but not much gets done about it so that's why I'd give it away now.

3. Right to be protected from outsiders, terrorists, international wars. Wars happen, not much can be done about that, terrorists get in, not much gets done. But yes we do need to be protected against this. Its a very important thing to people.

2. Right to my own thoughts, beliefs, opinions and expression. Everyone should have the right to speak their mind & have their own beliefs. Its your own opinion, you should be allowed to have one.

1. Right to human rights (protection from inhumane treatment, torture). This is the last one I would give away because no one should ever have to be treated like they are not human. You are a person, you should have the same treatment as the person treating you unfairly. They are just as human as you are.
Just watched two videos in class about the economy & how its going downhill. One of the videos was about the earth becoming full. Meaning that there is to much unnecessary stuff on the planet. People don't understand what they are doing to the planet. How much waste they're throwing around, how much electricity they're using. Its unbelievable! The other video was about the waste & garbage in the Pacific ocean. A lot of people don't even think about this or care. Yes, I can even say that I don't ever think about this kind of stuff & I know its not just me on this planet, so I'm not saying that I don't produce a lot of garbage & I don't litter & all that stuff, because I do. Yes its not good, and yes I need to stop, but even if I stopped that wouldn't make a dent into the percentage of people that have yet to stop as well. People have to start to take things more seriously & actually think about what they're doing to the planet. In the Pacific ocean there is such a wide area of garbage just floating around & having nothing done about it, its the size of Texas. Now that's huge! Animals think that garbage is food & eat it. Its obviously not good for them & most of them die from it. Eventually if that keeps up that will bring down the food chain & what does that do for us? Nothing good. Think about it..
Self harm awareness day <3 & its Friday !
Finally this week is almost over, because after next week its March Break! One week off school, its going to be so nice. Get to sleep all day if I want. I don't have to wake up at 5:30 for a week, maybe I can get my sleeping pattern back to normal? I think a lot of people have been waiting for March break. The only thing that sucks is that its just  a tease to us, because summer is two months long and we still have to wait three more months. Well at least we get a week off. Its going to be awesome!
This morning when I woke up I looked out the window to find a whole bunch of snow! In my opinion, today is the only day out of this whole winter that actually reminds me of a nice winter in Canada. All the other snowy days that we've had have just been a bunch of clumpy gross snow. The snow from today actually looks pretty, all over the trees making them look like trees out of a children's book about winter. I love it! Well how the trees look at least, besides that I hate winter.. Today is an especially nice day for people that like to ski or snowboard. Little kids are going to love today because of all this snow. Its like a child's winter dream outside today. After today there are going to be so many snowmen outside. I find this an awesome moment because today looks like an actual nice winter in Canada.