Just watched two videos in class about the economy & how its going downhill. One of the videos was about the earth becoming full. Meaning that there is to much unnecessary stuff on the planet. People don't understand what they are doing to the planet. How much waste they're throwing around, how much electricity they're using. Its unbelievable! The other video was about the waste & garbage in the Pacific ocean. A lot of people don't even think about this or care. Yes, I can even say that I don't ever think about this kind of stuff & I know its not just me on this planet, so I'm not saying that I don't produce a lot of garbage & I don't litter & all that stuff, because I do. Yes its not good, and yes I need to stop, but even if I stopped that wouldn't make a dent into the percentage of people that have yet to stop as well. People have to start to take things more seriously & actually think about what they're doing to the planet. In the Pacific ocean there is such a wide area of garbage just floating around & having nothing done about it, its the size of Texas. Now that's huge! Animals think that garbage is food & eat it. Its obviously not good for them & most of them die from it. Eventually if that keeps up that will bring down the food chain & what does that do for us? Nothing good. Think about it..

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